Wednesday, March 31, 2010

"I guess there's just a part of me that likes to bring you down
Just to keep you around
Cause the day that you realize how amazing you are
You're gonna leave me"

Friday, March 19, 2010

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Waiting for class is lame. But new Kate Nash music is definitely far from lame! Plus a new cute cute cute music video to go with it. I just flipped to MTV and there she was singing her song as a stewardess from the 50s. Also I went to her website and found free downloads from her blog. BAM!! Good stuff. Puts me in a better mood. Also yesterday I hit myself in the face with a rifle. And although the bruise has gone away my face still hurts...a lot. It makes my left eye hurt.

Watch this =)

Saturday, March 13, 2010

So here I am sitting by myself in Jessi's apartment. Well with the dog and bunny. They are so cute! This morning I heard a lot of cheering. Like a lot! For probably 30 minutes streams of woohoos! continued to wake me up. It was aggravating. Then I had some awful dream where I left somewhere I wasn't supposed to with some friends and gangstas tried to steal all my stuff. I was not happy I almost beat them down. Then my grandma and mom randomly appeared.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

I know you hate us. That's okay because we don't like you very much either.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

"I shall never grow up

Make believe is much too fun"