Tuesday, May 26, 2009

I'm not okay. You would think I am. But I'm not. Really honestly whenever someone asks me whats wrong I just say nothing. There is. Idk what it is. But I'm not okay.


Dakotah James Williamson said...

i think i know what you mean.
it stinks,
feeling like you have to hold it in or you will bring someone else down....
i feel it all the time.
or sometimes i feel like my friends will just tell me its gonna be okay and oh im sorry.....

its like, thanks for being sorry but you really arent... you just say that as an impulse....
you know?
so i think i know what you mean.

Brookely90 said...


Melissa. said...

I miss you terriably Best Friend!!
I really do.
I hope you do get to come to church!
That would be fantastic!!!!
I love you :]
Please try to have a beautiful day and night and tommorow and the rest of the week... and the next and the next.. and so on

Brookely90 said...

You are crazy.