Friday, April 30, 2010

The weather is fantastic!

Ever sat there and wondered "Hey Brooke how do you accomplish staying up until about 5:00am every morning?" No? I'll tell you anyways. It is because I lay down then keep getting up to check random things like the weather or what would happen if I searched something on Google or what are those lyrics again.

Here is your ten day forecast since waiting for Local on The 8's is torturing. Probably just to me but if you also like seeing if you need your umbrella then there you go. I hate when people complain about the weather because they are wearing shorts and it is snowing. CHECK THE FREAKING WEATHER! I have no helped you in your wrong doings. Go out warn other people! Help the masses.

Also if I have to write important stuff down like "Sticky things to hang up Bulletin board" so I remember to get it at the store next time I go. Yes I really did capitalize the 'B' on bulletin when I wrote it down. I'm just throwing people off.

Also the weather people lie sometimes. So don't go off every word they say. It's always better to be prepared than to shiver in your shorts.


hornextraordinare said...

thank you very much for the very needed public service announcement.

hornextraordinare said...

can you also edit what i write?

Brookely90 said...

Can I edit what you write??? No. You can. I mean I guess if I had your password I could. But no.

hornextraordinare said...

no i mean cause you have the moderator thing set up so you have to approve comments. didn't know if that meant you could edit them too.

Brookely90 said...

Oh no I can't. I just did it because I like to know when someone comments on something and then I don't have to wonder if I checked it already.