I had a blast yesterday. I don't think I've acted like that in a long time. We giggled about gross and silly things. I acted like I was back in high school. And I loved it. I haven't laughed that hard really...ever. Everything we did was so funny...to us anyways. I can't even describe the funny things. So instead of writing and sounding like an idiot I'll put up pictures that you've probably already seen on facebook.
This is some nasty ketchup they gave me. It wasn't even stuck together with ketchup is the gross part.
This is Stephanie and me. I am dead and she looks like she killed me. =)
PUMA POWER!!!! And then Apryll and Stephanie decided to put their feet in too.
This is a cat by the bridge. I looked over and BAM! there was a cat.

Stephanie, me, Julie, Lauren. After our parade of being toy soldiers.
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