Wednesday, April 13, 2011

And it's funny how absolutely nobody truly and honestly cares.


brianna.rachelle said...

i'm so sorry :( i know you don't want to hear that people do, because they don't show it. i can't say that we're best friends, cause we haven't seen each other in forever (which we need to change that! lol). i know kinda how you feel. i don't know what you're going through, but just remember the God ALWAYS cares and I will keep you in my prayers!!

Brookely90 said...

But it's the truth isn't it. You can never count on anyone until it's too late.

brianna.rachelle said...

you can't really count on people. you can't put your trust in a person. i've recently come to that conclusion that the only person you can count on is yourself and God. Brooke, you've always been there for me with encouraging words when i'm down, and i want to be there for you. i hope things get better!! :) p.s. you are not going to be a failure just cause you don't know what you want to do!!! lots of people discover their career later in life. :) it's just what schools like to tell you. ;)