Saturday, July 18, 2009


Honestly I've never had anything change my life so fast. I felt like I was there for so long but a week really wasn't that long at al. I really enjoyed it there and I feel so much closer to God. I've prayed more. For the first time ever I prayed with kids younger than me. Two different girls. And I feel like it really helped them. There was so much funny stuff. But it could be so serious at time with such a good message. I know this camp was for middle schoolers but it really changed my life too. And I can't really explain exactly how I feel and I know people will think I'm just going to be the same old me. But I really hope somebody notices a change and I want God to just keep helping me keep my faith. It's easier to keep it when you are surrounded by people who are stronger than you and helping you along. But I now see a challenge ahead of me and I know God will help me through whatever I need help with.

Okay sorry I needed to write that all out. Now it seems like everyone is leaving me. I don't literally mean just me but I feel like that. I know why people need to leave but it still really hurts me. But it makes me not even want to try in this next month. I know I need to spend as much time with you guys right now before you pack up and leave me here to rot in my self pity. But I just would rather not have it hurt so much.

1 comment:

Brittany said...

I'm so sorry... I feel the same way about both things you're talking about.. and I know that it seems dumb of me to say about the leaving thing, since I'm planning on being one of the ones doing that.. but I want to cry every time I think about it.. I'm so scared and hate change.

And to tell you the truth, I felt more moved by God at middle school camp than at high school.. He has His ways..