Wednesday, December 29, 2010

So here's the deal. I don't want a boyfriend. Being single has been more fun than being with some stinking guy. I don't worry as much, I'm not as stressed(and the things I am stressed about matter more than some dumb problem boys cause or I caused between us). But everyone around me having someone/getting engaged/getting promise rings(which is crazy Karasyn, but really awesome) kind of hits me hard. It makes me feel lonely even though I'm really not. But it also made me realize that I will probably honestly never get married. Now now now before you go spouting about nonsense how it isn't true listen to what I have to say. First I am too selfish for a guy. I ALWAYS put my needs before his. Not a lie and I accept it. Then they get upset then I get upset and it's a mess I don't care to deal with. Second I am too weird. Girls that are talking about one subject and then look at the sky and notice that the cloud is a bunny and then start talking about how they ran over a bunny once seldom have husbands. They usually have cats. Third I don't really want to have kids. Sometimes it sounds nice but other times just thinking about what childbirth is like makes me want to vomit. And not just the childbirth the 9 months then the whole raising thing just sounds like too much work.

I could probably list a few other things. But I think I've bashed myself enough for this evening. I just had to make some things clear.

EDIT:I wasn't sad when I wrote this. I have accepted it. It really doesn't bother me I just wanted to write about it.


brianna.rachelle said...


You are always giving me grand advice and in lieu of advice (which I suck at giving) I am going to give you three reasons that you are totally marriage material.

1 - you are beautiful. no matter what people say about beauty being in the eye of the beholder, physical attraction is still important and YOU GOT IT!! You are one of the most beautiful girls I know.

2 - You are funny! Who wouldn't want to marry someone that talked about running over bunnies. Most girls would cry or something. You know how to have a good time! Remember singing Sweeney Todd in hick accents? I bet some guy out there is wondering if he is the only one who does that lol

3 - Not every guy wants kids either. There are plenty of guys who cringe when there girlfriends talk about how they want to have kids.

I know you are not throwing a pity party, but I know how it feels when so many people are getting engaged and promised to, if that's what you would call it. And I just don't think you should rule that out as a possiblity

You are pretty darn swell and you should know it!!!!! :D

Brookely90 said...

Thank you. Beauty isn't everything though. I may be pretty but it hasn't gotten me too far. I make fun of my boyfriends too much. I know I'm funny they're dumb. And thank God for that last one. Maybe eventually I'll want kids but cildbirth sounds disgusting. Not to mention the 9 months before. Did you know you poop during childbirth? Tons of people watching you poop. NOT CUTE! "And thank you for I know you are not throwing a pity party" So what if I am. It's none of his buisness what I'm sad about so he can get over it. I find joy everyday in guard. I haven't been to guard in over a week so I'd say yea I'm going to be a little sad about it.

brianna.rachelle said...

Yeah, he is a poop head and needs to stay out of it!! I think he needs to take a good ong look in the mirror. He seems like a miserable person to me...

Alanna is amazing?! said...

great,i am one of those girls. looks like we can not get married together ;)
Buuttttt,can we get dogs instead of cats,im allergic to those. lol
I love ya.