Saturday, September 20, 2008

I just don't know about you...?

You make me happy. You make me sad? Nah not really. Just the first one? You don't know. You might know? I like you. You could like me? But that won't happen now. Will it? I'm awesome. So are you. So why are we like this? I don't know. I don't care....okay that was a lie. Even though I have no idea what I'm writing...or that's how it would appear....I know what I feel. =D It's not like that yet. But it still makes me happy to know it could be. Sorry this sounds like I'm a stalker..I promise I'm not like that one creepy girl...Or am I? La LA I'm wasting time. Doing nothing. =D


Karasyn said...

Can I know?
it's okay if you don't want to,
just wondering.

Brookely90 said...

You said you didn't want to know.

Brookely90 said...

;) I'll tell you later.