Wednesday, April 28, 2010

UGH!!! FML!!!! I think at least I'm funnier when I'm this tired or I think I'm funnier than I actually am when I'm this tired because everything is funny when you are tired. Well when I am tired everything is funny and done with that sentence. I have to leave in 4 minutes. Poooooop. School is killin' me. I think I will literally lay down in my front yard, after my last final and I have safely driven home of course, and die. That's what normal people do right? I figured. I tend to be a little over dramatic about such things. I bet you are sitting there right now thinking "Brooke? You? Dramatic? NO WAY!" but it is true I must tell you. Well I am shutting down this good ol' lap top now and trotting off to school.


Karasyn said...

hahahaha this one made me laugh very much! I think it was the use of the word "trotting" that got to me.

anywayyyyyyyys,you,me,and melissa need to hang out once summer starts okay?
I miss the good ole times.

Brookely90 said...

Yea I hadn't slept at all it was poooooooop. Then when I got something out of the fridge, I had my back on and it was at the bottom, I fell over onto my back. Twice. Good thing nobody was home. And yes we should. And it's getting close!