Saturday, August 23, 2008

Ah to be famous

I really wanna be famous something fierce. I hate being that girl that people forget about. I'll meet someone then the next day I'm like "oh hey" and they have no idea who I am. Am I really that forgettable or are these people just idiots? Maybe a bit of both? I don't know you see some people who are famous and you just wonder how they became so famous they aren't very good at what they do I know people who are way better. It's just very annoying. Take for example Hannah Montana, she's only famous because of who her dad is. She's NOT a good singer at all. Sure her songs are kind of catchy and funny to make fun of. But she sucks at singing that's all there is to it. Or Paris Hilton. WHAT DOES SHE DO? Carry her dog and cell phone around. Oh yea and "act" in House of Wax. Oh and "sing". I think not. Random bablings are fun. There are some way better singers than the Jonas Brothers. They are only famous because they are hot. There's a lot better variety out there it's just sad to see the youth of America having role models that, for lack of a better word, suck. Just disappointing.

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