Monday, August 25, 2008

First day back

Well that went by faster than expected. I first had band and I got to spin so of course I enjoyed that. Then I had Anatomy with Skyler, Cullen, and Ben. Well let's just say that's gunna be a funny class and a very strange one at that. Then there was fashion design. And I found out that I had 3rd lunch instead of 1st like it has been for years. So there I was sitting with a growling stomach. Then I had lunch with a bunch of guard kids and Sarah so that was nice. Last but not least I had tutoring which dragged on the most because I just relearned basically same thing as last semester. That was fun at school. After school we went to Sonic. We meaning me, Chris, Brianna, Carrie, Skyler, Cullen, Ross, and new Jake. That was funny. I missed Sonic Mondays. Anywho then I came home and read then kind of slept. I'm bored now so I finally decided to write this. Woohoo keeping up with my promise so far. Tomorrow is a new day with new classes. And I have English which I must say I'm not looking forward too and pretty much the only class I'm not expecting to be fun. At least I have Morgan with me. I miss having Mrs.Jasper. Well I'll tell you about fun fun classes tomorrow!

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